17 April, 2012

Is Spain the next Greece?

These are dire times for the Eurozone because, despite the positive effects of the LTRO, there doesn't seem to be any follow-up going on. The same medicine is being applied, i.e. forced austerity with no relief in sight. Even more worrying is the signs that the Greek triggered contagion seems to be spreading to the larger "peripheral" economy of Spain and this is where the real troubles begin. The country's fiscal balance and public debt were amongst the healthier ones of the zone when Greece's troubles first surfaced in 2010. Spain entered the crisis as a result of the real estate bubble that was being fuelled with cheap lending from core members. Unemployment is already rampant, at levels comparable to the "great depression" era of the 1930's and the austerity measures are only contributing to deepening the slump.
The graph above clearly shows that the LTRO effect is running out, accelerating the growth of the debt burden through higher borrowing costs. Unlike Greece, Spain's economy is significantly larger making it significantly more difficult to bail it out. If the Eurozone cannot afford having Greece fail for reasons of contagion, imagine the risk that Spain represents!


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